星期四, 12 9 月, 2024

    7 Ways To Beat The Sunday Scaries

    I love love love Sundays. Until I don’t…thanks to the Sunday Scaries.

    No matter how much I love my job, there’s ALWAYS going to be that nagging reminder in the back of my head that I need to deal with work the next day. Naturally, the Sunday Scaries are a little less scary now that I’ve been working from home for over a day (with no end in sight, UGH). While I think it has a lot to do with my anxiety in general, the Sunday Scaries are very much present each week. In my head, from the moment I wake up, I’m like “ugh, it’s Sunday”.

    But there are ways to beat the Sunday Scaries…or at least forget about them for at least a little while.

    Party less 

    I think I’m over the partying phase in my life. So it’s not hard for me to chill with the drinking. And even if I do decide to have a couple of cocktails, I make sure it’s early enough in the day to give me a lot of time to recuperate. It’s actually very nice to wake up feeling somewhat refreshed on a Sunday morning.

    Make it a DAY

    Having plans on a Sunday is low key a sneaky way to beat the Sunday Scaries. Sometimes it’s a breakfast date, sometimes it’s going to see a movie, sometimes it’s a dinner…but just making plans can help you look forward to SOMETHING, and not focus on the scaries!

    Work out or get to a class

    I’ll admit I’ve been severely slacking on this, but I used to go to SoulCycle almost every Sunday. Even after a BIG night of drinking. And it was THE best. Between sweating out all of the tequila shots and then hanging out with my friends before/after class, it was always a great way to kick off Sunday.

    Wake up early

    There’s nothing like waking up early to start your day. I think last Sunday I woke up at 7am (still feeling refreshed), and was ready to start the day. That doesn’t mean I need to be up and out of my apartment, but I turn on the news for a little bit (Rob usually sleeps a little longer…until I start to annoy him to wake up and talk to me LOL). I either make my iced coffee at home, or wait until we go for our walk to get one. It’s really nice to maximize all hours of a Sunday!

    Take a break from the screen

    I REALLY try to limit my social media on Sundays. That’s why I like making plans or keeping myself busy. Social media just reminds me of all the things I should be doing or the things I want to be doing. So it’s probably just better if I don’t mindlessly scroll.

    Go for a walk

    Going for walks is probably my favorite thing to do on the weekends. Rob and I have our routine, and I very much enjoy it. We have our bagel place, our coffee orders, our favorite bench to eat on in Central Park, etc. We try to get 10-15k steps in every walk…so that takes up a nice portion of the morning/early afternoon.

    Write a brain dump

    I’ve recently introduced brain dump lists into my routine. I’m going to write an entire post on brain dumps, but for now I’ll just say that I write down EVERYTHING that I need to do. Whatever pops into my head at that time. Then I’ll organize the list based on what’s important what’s not. At first, it’s a little tough to focus in on and prioritize. This is nice for Sundays because there’s usually an INFINITE number of things I think I need to get done, but only a few things that are actually important.

    What are your favorite ways to combat the Sunday Scaries? Let me know!

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