I’m a sucker for a good handbag. And when I say GOOD, I mean it. It needs to be a really good one in order for me to consider buying it. I’ve made the mistake of purchasing lower quality handbags because I didn’t want to spend the money. And let me tell you, that’s a mistake. Now I only invest in great quality bags, and occasionally a designer handbag. I’m a big proponent of spending your money wisely even if the cost is a bit of a shock to the system at first – they really are an investment a lot of the time. The best handbags are ones that you KNOW you’re going to WEAR. I understand the idea of collecting unique and fun handbags for some people, but for me (and if you have similar taste/style to me, maybe you’ll agree) I really love wearing my handbags – especially if I spent my hard earned money on them!
The bags in this post are the handbags that I’ve been wearing for either years or at least a few months – and they’re absolutely the ones I’ve worn the most. That’s why I wanted to share with you today!