星期四, 12 9 月, 2024

    Why Journaling Is So Therapeutic…Especially During This Time

    I remember spending HOURS at the bookstore, not only to pick up books, but also to pick out a new journal or notebook to write in. Whether I was going to use it for writing stories or to journal my thoughts, there was nothing better to me. There are so many reasons why journaling is therapeutic, but these are the main benefits that I’ve encountered.

    Your journal. Your thoughts. Your way. I love that journaling doesn’t have to follow any kind of structure. For me, I’m usually a neat freak when it comes to writing though – so I ALWAYS try to be as neat as possible. I use the Zebra Sarasa® Grand Gel Retractable Pen. I particularly love the Sarasa Grand because it’s a stylish, affordable, and durable pen. It allows me to write just the way I want. Some days I want to write about what I’m grateful for, and other days I’m feeling stressed and just want to vent with my pen and paper.

    I’ve been writing in a gratitude journal for a while now. It’s a great way to put everyday things into perspective. It’s also an effective way for me to relieve stress, and write down what I’m grateful for. Most of the time, it’s something super small that I’m thankful for: iced coffee, having someone to be with during the pandemic, a job I love (more on that below), fresh baked cookies at night, etc. On the other side, I found myself being super grateful for things like my health, my family and friends’ health, living in New York, etc.

    It’s safe to say that over the last few months, things have been super stressful. I went from starting a brand new job in February to working from home a month later. I had never worked from home before. That in itself was an adjustment. And what was even crazier was that my boyfriend and I found ourselves living together during this high-stress time. Journaling allowed me to write all of my thoughts and feelings down (personal and work related), and then I was able to have good conversations about those feelings.

    With work, things are still stressful as we’re going through a huge reorganization period. Not going to lie, it was really tough for a bit. There was a lot of uncertainty surrounding my job, and what my next steps were. Was I about to be laid off? I used my journal during this time to really get out everything I was feeling. Luckily, I’m on a new path that will only elevate my career, so lately my journal entries have been ones of gratitude and feeling lucky.

    Writing something every day has helped me create a consistent routine that instantly boosts my mood. For me, journaling is such a good way to relieve stress. In order for me to write every day, I make sure I keep my notebook and Sarasa® Grand close by. I keep it on my desk with my notebook so that I can write down my thoughts throughout the day. A lot of times, I’m so busy with work, I just write down my to-do lists in my notebook! Since it’s always on my desk, it’s easy to look over, cross things off the list, and be less stressed!

    Do you keep a journal? Zebra Pen is encouraging people to Choose Different by choosing a stylish pen designed to reflect your own personal style. What benefits do you see when you write down your thoughts and feelings?

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